Saturday, August 31, 2019

How Communication With Children And Young Essay

Children at different ages require different levels of attention, younger children will need more support which would mean more physical support, as children get older they need help with explaining and discussing their thoughts and issues they may have. When talking to different ages of children your vocabulary will need to change as younger children wont understand you if you were to use big words, so small and simple words would need to be used, as children get older turning into young people your vocabulary would develop more. Children and young people who may have communicational difficulties would need a whole different approach in the way you talk to them and the way they may communicate back. Some children and young people may be shy and quiet which would effect the way you would communicate with them, you need to adapt and respect how different children and young people are and their own individual needs. Some children and young people have a stammer or another type of speech disorder, when the child or young person are talking to you, you need to give them time to talk, never butt in to try and complete what they are saying you have to be patient and understand their speech disorder, if you try and rush them it will only make things worse as the child or young person will feel anxious and may find it harder to communicate with you. Working with children or young people who have special educational needs, you may need additional training such as sign language or makaton to help with communication. â€Å" Myself and the other staff use makaton in school, which is a big part of communication towards the pupils â€Å" The reason why makaton is used within the environment of special needs is that it is made up of simple words and signs, makaton is used for all ages who have learning difficulties, sign language is used for the deaf and it has its own vocabulary which is why it wouldn’t be appropriate for the different age ranges who have learning difficulties it would be to hard to  grasp. In my school the pupils use pecs book which are made up of pictures that they can relate to. The pecs books are all pictures and a â€Å" i want â€Å" picture so when they request something at snack some children will point to â€Å" i want â€Å" and then to what they have chosen to have for snack, but some children will only pick out what picture they want like â€Å" a apple† and they will put it into my hand, i will then respond by saying the â€Å"child’s name wants apple good talking† followed by giving the child a piece of apple. Some children use these pecs books at home to help with communication. Picture symbols are shown and given to the pupils on every transition, if for instance we were going to PE there would be two picture symbols on a schedule they would be a picture of a classroom and of PE, this shows them that after PE it is back to the classroom. This is such a great way of communication.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Effects of a College Education

A college education has numerous impacts on an individual other than just a better education. Individuals who have attended college and graduated tend to be more successful in life than those who didn't. There have been studies through the years that provide evidence showing that a college education can be very beneficial to a person and have major impacts on their lives. The most comprehensive review to date on the question of the impact of college is found in Ernest Pascarella and Patrick Terenzini's book, How College Affects Students.They used over twenty-six thousand practical studies completed over a period of 50 years in order to what aspects of a person's life is affected during college. They concluded that an individual's cognitive skills and intellectual growth; changes of identity, self-concept, and self-esteem; changes in relating to others and the people around them, attitudes and values, moral development, career choice and development, economic benefits, and quality of life after college are all affected while the student attends college.The details concerning cognitive skills and intellectual growth suggest that â€Å"students make statistically significant gains during the college years on a number of dimensions of general cognitive capabilities and skills† (p. 155), including the ability to deal with conceptual complexity, formal abstract reasoning, critical thinking, the use of evidence and reason to address ill-structured problems, and both written and oral communication. Most of these benefits seem to occur during the first two years of college.Research on the net effects, or changes that can be accredited to the college experience itself, rather than other potential influences, of these outcomes suggests that college has a â€Å"net positive influence on diverse measures of critical thinking† (p. 156), reflective judgment, and intellectual flexibility, above the maturity level of individuals who didn't attend college. Perhaps â€Å"college is the one [experience] that most typically provides an overall environment where the potential for intellectual growth is maximized† (p. 156).Although the may not be dramatic, changes concerning identity, self-concept, and self-esteem during the college years consistently support a significant positive effect, are evident. The evidence tends to support generally linear gains in academic and social self-concepts, as well as â€Å"students' beliefs about themselves in such areas as their popularity in general and with the opposite sex, their leadership abilities, their social self-confidence, and their understanding of others† (p. 203). In addition, they gain in self-esteem.With the caveat that much of the research on the net effects of college on these particular outcomes is too often confounded by age and normal maturation, and absent controls for family background or other relevant characteristics, Pascarella and Terenzini concluded that â€Å"post-sec ondary educational attainment appears to be related positively to changes in students' ratings of themselves relative to their peers† (p. 204), in terms of both academic self-concept and social self-concept. Such effects, however, appear to be small, mostly indirect, and interrelated with other characteristics.As far as changes in relating to others and the world around them, Pascarella and Terenzini concluded that, â€Å"students' relational systems change during the college years,† including increases in â€Å"students' freedom from the influences of others, †¦ in non-authoritarian thinking and tolerance for other people and their views, in intellectual orientation to problem solving and their own world view in general, in the maturity of their interpersonal relations, in their personal adjustment skills and general sense of psychological well-being, and in their more globally measured levels of maturity and personal development† (p. 57). It is believed th at â€Å"the early college years may be somewhat more influential than the later ones† in their effect on these outcomes. The authors also state that â€Å"the weight of evidence therefore fairly clearly supports popular beliefs about the effects of college in helping to reduce students' authoritarianism, dogmatism, and (perhaps) ethnocentrism and in increasing their intellectual orientation, personal psychological adjustment, and sense of psychological well-being† (p. 259).One of the more ample topics concerning research on the impact of college over the decades has focused on charting changes in the values and attitudes of students in five general areas: (1) cultural, aesthetic, and intellectual; (2) educational and occupational; (3) social and political; (4) religious; and (5) sex and gender roles. Pascarella and Terenzini found that the evidence for change during the college years is both plentiful and consistent, in that â€Å"colleges, as their founders and supp orters might hope, appear to have a generally liberating influence on students' attitudes and values.Without exception, the nature and direction of the observed changes involve greater breadth, expansion, inclusiveness, complexity, and appreciation for the new and different. In all cases, the movement is toward greater individual freedom: artistic and cultural, intellectual, political, social, racial, educational, occupational, personal, and behavioral† (p. 326).The research on the net effects of college support a consistent but modest influence â€Å"above and beyond the characteristics students bring with them to college,† as well as independent of â€Å"changes that have occurred in the larger society† (p. 326) Long considered an important goal of American higher education, the character education and moral development of students has only recently gained the systematic attention of researchers.Evidence to date suggests that â€Å"college is linked with stati stically significant increases in the use of principled reasoning to judge moral issues,† and that the college experience itself has a unique positive net influence on such development and may be accentuated differentially, from one institution to another, through the student peer context. Furthermore, the key to within-college effects in fostering moral reasoning may â€Å"lie in providing a range of intellectual, cultural, and social experiences from which a range of different students might potentially benefit† (p. 66), such as certain curricular or course interventions.Conditional effects in that regard are, in particular, more positive for those of high levels of cognitive development. Nevertheless, any influence in that direction seems to be long-term and consistent, and may even be linked ultimately to â€Å"a range of principled behaviors, including resisting cheating, social activism, keeping contractual promises, and helping those in need† (p. 367). Ind ividuals may change their career paths or interests while attending college. It is clear that students frequently change their career plans during college,† and that they â€Å"become significantly more mature, knowledgeable, and focused during college in thinking about planning for a career† (pp. 487–488).In terms of net influence, one of the â€Å"most pronounced and unequivocal effects of college on career is its impact on the type of job one obtains† (p. 488), offering an advantage through occupational status and influence. Whether by socialization or certification a college education offers access to better positioned, and potentially more satisfactory, mployment. Study of the economic benefits has also attracted the attention of post-secondary education researchers, especially since this factor â€Å"probably underlies the motivation of many students who choose to attend college rather than enter the work force immediately after high school graduati on† (p. 500). In terms of net effects, it appears that a bachelor's degree â€Å"provides somewhere between a twenty and forty percent advantage in earnings over a high school diploma† and an estimate of financial return on such an investment is â€Å"somewhere between 9. and 10. 9 percent† (p. 529).As I've said before, a college education has numerous impacts on an individual other than just a better education. Ernest Pascarella and Patrick Terenzini, while not the first to do so, are two people who have studied research to find the impact of a college education. Their research actually has evidence to support the argument that a college education is a valuable thing.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

“Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” and “Lord of the Flies” both deal with mans struggle to control his inner evil Essay

How do the authors’s show this struggle? In â€Å"the strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde,† Robert Louis Stevenson presents mans struggle to control his inner evil through Jekyll but the evil comes out in Hyde. Dr Jekyll is a fine upstanding member of the community and Mr Hyde is still Jekyll but he has no conscience and no sense of responsibility and so goes on wild evil rampages, I am going to explore how Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde show their evils. Dr Jekyll is a moral and religious man and has a conscience but he is attracted to the violence and freedom of Hyde and for him turning into Hyde is like a drug, he is addicted. Dr Jekyll is in a constant struggle with Hyde for control â€Å"if I am the chief of sinners I am the chief of sufferers also,† which shows the constant torment he is in yet he still drinks the drug. â€Å"Before the smile was struck out of his face and succeeded by an expression of abject terror and despair, as froze the blood of the two gentleman below,† this shows that Jekyll is scared of turning into Hyde and it also gives a picture of the ferocity of Hyde. Jekyll becomes weak from Hyde and eventually Hyde takes over completely â€Å"Dr Jekyll, looking deadly sick. He did not rise to meet his visitor, but held out a cold hand and bade him welcome in a changed voice,† this shows that Hyde is slowly trying to kill Jekyll. Jekyll decided to kill Hyde â€Å"Utterson, I swear to god Utterson I am done with him in this world,†Ã¢â‚¬ I cannot say that I care what becomes of Hyde I am quite done with him,† Utterson says to Jekyll â€Å"he meant to murder you,† which shows that Jekyll is good to have got rid of Hyde but Jekyll still takes the potion and Hyde continues his torments and Eventually kills Jekyll. â€Å"God knows I am careless this is my true hour of death and what is to follow concerns another than myself,† that was Jekyll’s final transformation before his death. Edward Hyde is the beast that takes Henry Jekyll over he is a small deformed man â€Å"the man seems hardly human troglodytic shall we say,† â€Å"I read Satan’s signature upon a face,† â€Å"like a monkey,† these all describe Hyde it is like Hyde is a step back in evolution. Hyde is also very fast â€Å"it went so quick,† â€Å"with extraordinary quickness,† these both show the speed oh Hyde so we now that he is animal like and very quick, he is also very savage as he has no conscience â€Å"for the man trampled calmly over the child’s body and left her screaming on the ground,† â€Å"really like Satan,† these both show his ferocity, there are also a lot of satanic references to Hyde which suggests that he is the work of the devil. Other people perceive Hyde as being a â€Å"juggernaut,† â€Å"without the bowels of mercy,† â€Å"a spirit of enduring hatred,† which shows that he disgusts them. Hyde hates Jekyll because he thinks he is weak and pathetic but he still fears Jekyll because he knows that Jekyll has the power to cut him off by suicide â€Å"how he fears my power to cut him off by suicide,† â€Å"blasphemies on the pages of my books, burning letters and destroying the portrait of my father,† by doing these things Hyde is trying to demoralise Jekyll because it seems that the weaker Jekyll gets the stronger Hyde gets. As Jekyll gets ill Hyde feeds off his weakness making himself stronger † the powers of Hyde have grown stronger with the sickliness of Jekyll,† this shows that Hyde is very powerful and can force Jekyll to do anything. I think at first Jekyll finds Hyde exciting and adventurous and he loves the feeling of having no conscience. Jekyll and Hyde are like â€Å"polar twins,† being the same yet very opposite. Jekyll also has biblical references because the thrill of Hyde tempts him like the tree in the bible tempts Adam and Eve. This story shows that man has always been evil it is just hidden behind a mask and Hyde pulled this mask from Jekyll revealing the evil inside after all they are the same person. Lord of the Flies is much the same as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde because they both deal with mans struggle to control his inner evil, but however in Lord of the Flies it is children who are evil and not adults like in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, so does this show that you are born evil? It certainly challenges the idea that you are born free from sin, as some of the children in Lord of the Flies are from private schools and you would think to be better brought up and you could say somewhat shielded from the world, but the children who were from a public education system behaved better and tried to overthrow to the evil that lay on the island. Lord of the flies shows emotions through its characters, Piggy who represents conscience and logic, Simon who represents Jesus and Jack and Ralph who are the leaders of the two â€Å"gangs† (good and evil). At the beginning of the novel it is hard to differentiate between the â€Å"good† and â€Å"bad† people because they have all jus t met each other and are all trying to out do each other in a bid to be popular but does this in itself show that maybe they are all evil? When the two gangs split up and start living separately its like Jekyll and Hyde because its like one gang is Jekyll and the other gang Hyde and as the story goes on the Hyde gang tries to kill the Jekyll gang. Also the Hyde gang use masks when hunting for food â€Å"body held up a mask that drew their eyes and appalled them. He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling,† this shows that by putting masks on they are acting like Hyde transforming them from laughter to being â€Å"snarling and bloodthirsty.† â€Å"Jack hid liberated from shame and self consciousness,† this is exactly How Jekyll feels When he transforms in to Hyde because he is liberated from all consciousness and feels free to do whatever he wants. When Jacks gang are wearing these masks they launch attacks on Ralph’s gang, the results of which end up in the death of Piggy, so all conscience and logic is removed and then as all they are removed we see the breakdown of their community and the â€Å"good† gang becomes equally as vicious as the bad gang showing that evil is like a disease that can’t be healed and just keeps spreading. Simon also dies of an epileptic shock and this signifies that as he is the â€Å"Jesus† figure surely all hope and good is lost now, this is like when Jekyll becomes so ill he lets Hyde take over â€Å"he was so frail he only raised a hand to bade him a welcome,† and shows that there is no going back now evil has taken a strong hold on the island and can only get worse, good can no longer triumph over evil. When the navy finally rescues the boys nobody knows what has happened the island and they can only assume that the missing boys were killed in the plane crash. This shows mans naivety and arrogance to think that young innocent boys couldn’t have brutally murdered one boy and left another to die, this reflects Jekyll and Hyde by the way in which nobody realises that a fine upstanding member of the community could possibly be a murderer although it is without his knowing but the boys on the island are young and you could say that without their parents and rules, they can’t differentiate between right and wrong. Jekyll and Hyde was written in the Victorian times and it does challenge the idea of inner evil but good eventually wins because in the Victorian times people were moral and blind to the evil lurking before them and so sin was eventually killed in Jekyll and Hyde. In Lord of the Flies however you could say the evil triumphs which is the case in today’s modern society, but the children are rescued from the evil they have created which you could argue that maybe good triumphs over evil after all. Both authors say that evil is in us and not around us and that without rules evil will show itself more fully. Evil is a tempting attractive power that gives you freedom but if you are truly evil can you be truly happy? We all see evil but can we see our own? Maybe these novels are trying to show us that maybe we should look inside ourselves and see if we are truly evil or is evil just something we use as an excuse to hurt people?

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Childhood Protection and Child Rights; Lex ferenda; Breaking the Cycle Essay

Childhood Protection and Child Rights; Lex ferenda; Breaking the Cycle of Violence within the Child Phd Thesis - Essay Example According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is no one "official" definition of mental health. To define Mental Health academicians rely on various theories from cultural differences, subjective assessments, and competing professional.1 This research project has sought its backing in principles of child psychology. By matching and comparing the definition of a â€Å"child† in law and psychology, one realise the emerging truth of a lack of understanding in law-making, judiciary and legal pronouncements as to concepts, such as child vulnerability, child needs, and child resilience. In concrete words, what changes for a child who has been victim of sexual violence? What changes for a child who is working day and night in a factory? What changes for a child who is living on the streets? What changes for a child arrested? What changes for a child beaten up by police? Well, the first and foremost change is at the level of mental health. The way she thinks, the way she fee ls. Mental health of children is an important aspect of child-right study discourse. Through the understanding, one can assure the child is able to ‘bounce back’ and recover from a difficult situation. What is important to realise is that the mental health promotion dealt with in this research is actually a promotion and prevention in the aftermath of a severe incident or process, in the child’s life. These are the promotion of a child’s special needs, and the prevention of long-term violent impacts on the society. The later chapters deal with the reactions and risks of un-dealt trauma, and societal progress linked to the wellbeing of its children. The research study does not per se differentiate between categories of children. The categories presented here are neither exhaustive nor exclusive. Mostly vulnerable children fall into many of the categories. For instance, street children can also be child labourers, and sexually abused. My

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

D. Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

D. Question - Assignment Example The first step in determining any disease or nutritional deficiencies is to perform a physical examination which encompasses an assessment of age, sex, as well as anthropometric data (the measuring of weight, height, body mass index, and waist or arm circumference). According to Fischer & Hamilton (2013), the two primary techniques for carrying out a physical exam include body inspection and palpation. In addition, these two techniques are subdivided within themselves (p. 2). Shiny hair reveals healthy and nourished body, while an unhealthy body will show vulnerability to damage of hair or stop growing altogether, for example dandruff, baldness, folliculitis, pemphigus foliaceus, hirsutism, and grey hair (UMMC, 2013). While healthy nails will be smooth and strong, have a little color and be transparent, whereas unhealthy nails will have psoriasis, beau’s lines, onycholysis, yellow nail syndrome, and trachyonychia. Examples of nutritional deficiency diseases include scurvy, pernicious anemia, intellectual disability, rickets, kwashiorkor, marasmus, vitamin k deficiency, tetany, keshan disease, growth retardation, beriberi, pellagra, goiter, biotin deficiency, ariboflavinosis, hypocobalaminemia, night blindness, and paraesthesia (Mulcahy, 2012). Poor hair condition and diseased nails are triggered by chemical and hormonal imbalances, because of aging, illness and nutritional deficiency (Academy Medical, 2011). Furthermore, nutrition deficiency is a significant cause, resulting to chemical and hormonal imbalances, as well as illness, and accounts for the majority of both hair disorders as well as nail disease. Usually where there are nutritional deficiencies, it is due to improper working digestive system, an unbalanced diet, inadequate nutritional supplements and metabolism or inflammation within the body area where energy is being redirected. As a result, other

Monday, August 26, 2019

Properties of social media Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Properties of social media - Assignment Example One of the key moments in the history occurred in 1971 when the first email was sent. Since the discovery of this important function, individuals and business entities have ever used it to communicate and collaborate. Likewise, e-mails form a core component of the collaborative projects and are used by the participants to communicate and interact freely. E-mail messaging is not important to businesses, but also networking communities who use it in communicating and sharing of ideas. The second moment in the history of social media occurred in 1979 with the launch of the usernets and bulletin board systems which allowed users to exchange information over phone lines. According to Cane bulletin boards form an important component of the computer mediated communication system and social interaction (78). The system has revolutionized text-based communication while elintaing the need for visual contact. Another key moment is the discovery of the World Wide Web in 1989 by the British Engin eer Tim Berners Lee. The World Wide Web has brought people together while facilitating the formation of virtual communication. The World Wide Web is very important as it supports all the forms of social media and without it, the sharing of information between users would be impossible. At the same time, World Wide Web facilitates sharing of information between businesses, suppliers and increasing efficiency in an organization. The expansion of the social media sphere would not have been without earlier attempts by the,, Geocities and the Sixdegrees to create platforms where users can develop their own profiles and exchange important information with their friends and other users. The social media sphere thereafter exploded with the launch of the, Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. The fifth key component of the social media is the content communities which have become prevalent in the modern society. A perfect example of a content community is the You Tube which was launched in 2005. YouTube allows the users to share videos, has become phenomenal and it could even be used in the promotion of e-commerce. In this regard, by uploading YouTube video content, business entities can be able to popularize their offerings. Use of viral marketing using social media tools has become a common method that is quickly replacing the traditional forms of marketing. All the above five moments have impacted positively on the way people communicate and are credited with expanding the social media sphere. Question 2: Properties of social media It is very important to make a distinction between industry and social media, to ensure organization choose the most appropriate integrated communication mix. In this regard, an organization should be able to compare and contrasts the benefits and the shortcomings of using the two forms of media. On one hand, social media could be advantageous since it only requires limited sources and creates an immediate impact while on the other hand, industry media could have a more long-lasting impact besides producing high quality advertisements. The differentiating properties also allow organizations to determine the tradeoffs they are willing to make in order to maximize the benefits of their resources. However, the properties of quality and reach do not well differentiate social and the industry media. This is because the quality of both industrial and social media ranges from high to low and there is no clear distinction. Likewise, just like industrial media, social media has become a serious tool and its distribution

Paraphrasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Paraphrasing - Essay Example The first reading speed test that I took resulted in a score of 200 words per minute ( This score is above average, so it proves that my reading rate is pretty good. The test recommended that I use the FReader software to improve my speed even further. After practicing with this software, I took another test to determine my reading rate ( This website helped me to improve my reading speed considerably. Another website that I used was called Rocket Reader. This assisted me with reading speed, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and stamina. I took this test and received a score of 250-350 words per minute, which was above average. However, it told me that I could improve even further, perhaps up to 500 words per minute, after taking more tests on the Rocket Reader website ( I was pleased with my score with this one: 537 words per minute. The analysis showed that I was an above average reader. It said that if I could this speed up consistently then I should have no problem reading this fast when reading casually. The website also recommended other techniques to help my reading rate even further. The last website that I used told me about the different categories of reading rates. Also mentioned was the steps on how to become a fast

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The company man Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The company man - Essay Example Phil got along well with those working for him, some of whom the company may consider for his replacement. Upon his demise, Phil left his wife Hellen, who the author describes as a lovely woman having no necessary skills for work. She gave up working and resorted to taking care of the children. However, Hellen seems less bothered by Phil’s death because, to her, Phil was married to his work but not her. The surviving sons of Phil seem to have no connection with him before his death. The eldest son searches information about his father’s nature from the neighbors and the answer he gets â€Å"his dad was an embarrassment.† Phil’s girl uses to view him mockingly and choose to live near her mom. The youngest son was Phil’s favorite. At his funeral, the company president describes Phil as hardworking and a difficult man to replace. Just the evening after his funeral, the president was already organizing Phil’s replacement. The story is ironical in that it depicts Phil as hardworking yet the same work made him alienated from his family and social life. Ideally, â€Å"The company man,† is a story that illustrates the actual nature of corporate

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Eric Fromm and his human needs theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Eric Fromm and his human needs theory - Essay Example Erich Fromm, who was born in Germany in the year 1900, was exposed to the horrors of the first world war (Boeree, n.d., p.3). The evil nature of the leaders, the mute submission of the civilians to the dictatorship and the way the society functioned developed Erich Fromm’s interest in psychology and social structure. He tried to find the answer to his search for the question, â€Å"what drives man to behave the way he does?†, in the psychoanalytical theories of Freud and social theories of Karl Marx (Boeree, n.d., p.4). However, he found that both the theories are incomplete as they treat man either as an individual or as a social animal (Boeree, n.d., p.4). He thinks that human being’s personal and social aspects are related and hence, his behavior and motives cannot be explained by separating the individual and the social aspects of his life (Boeree, n.d., p.4). Hence, Erich Fromm postulated a theory called ‘Human Needs Theory’, to explain those ne eds of human beings which drive them to behave the way they do and in doing so, has touched every aspect of the human personality(Boeree, n.d., p.10). By explaining how human behavior is not just a result of personal needs but also is a result of his dynamic relationship with existential aspects of life, Erich From has given us one of the most complete theories of human behavior (Boeree, n.d., p.10). According to Erich Fromm, the conditions of the society in which the human being exists, give birth to his needs (Wozniak, 2000, p.44). He does agree with other behaviorists when they say that every human being has basic biological needs like adequate nourishment and shelter, and meeting those biological needs can provide them with a sense of satisfaction

Friday, August 23, 2019

Unions and Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Unions and Company - Essay Example Unions and Company The paper also details the outcome of the company's responses in those cases. The issue involved that is taken for discussion is the provision of food and services to the employees and whether such provision can be construed as one of the terms and conditions of employment. The cases taken up relate to the closure of the cafeteria meant for the workers by WMATA and the refusal to negotiate on the increase in the prices of food and beverages by Ford Motor Co. In both the cases the companies concerned had taken a stand that the provision of food and other services to the employees within the work premises is NOT one of the terms and conditions of employment. But the Unions argued that the issue necessarily forms part of the conditions of employment and hence the Unions have to be consulted before any decision could be taken on the issues. The relevant cases are discussed below: The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) is regulated by Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia Authorities who formed a lengthy compact for the entity. WMATA negotiated a 'collective bargaining agreement' with the trade union in which the employees had membership. WMATA wanted to close down a cafeteria to provide additional space for its legal department. The Authority argued that ‘closing the cafeteria’ is an absolute business decision and there was no need to get the Union agreed for this. Moreover there were other cafeterias available in the local vicinity. But the Union argued that "According to the compact, a "labor dispute" is defined as "any controversy concerning wages, salaries, hours, working conditions, or benefits," and must be resolved through collective bargaining" and hence the closing need to be negotiated. The Union took the issue to an arbitrator who decided in favor of the Union. Against the arbitration award the Authority filed a suit in the Federal Court. The Federal court confirmed the view taken by the arbitration. On an appeal by the WMATA against the decision of the Federal Court, the US Court of Appeals 4th Circuit gave its ruling. Decision of the Court of Appeal: Citing a 1979 decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Ford Motor Co. where it decided the food service is a condition of employment, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed the decision of the lower court and ruled in favor of the Union. 2. Ford Motor Co (Chicago Stamping Plant) v National Labor Relations Board Et Al3 Facts of the Case: Ford Motor Co was providing its employees with in-plant cafeteria and vending machine service through independent caterer with an express right to review the quality, quantity and price of the food being offered. The company wanted to increase the price of the food items and notified the Union accordingly. When the Union wanted to negotiate the prices the company refused to bargain. The Union filed a charge of unfair labor practice with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) The NLRB citing the provisions of Section 8 (a) (5) and 8 (d) of the National Labor Relations Act, considered the provision of in-plant foods and services are 'other terms and conditions of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Science and future Essay Example for Free

Science and future Essay We have reached upon top of our life by the help of science and technologicalthings. Science and technology has totally revived our life and taught us the way to live our life. Science and technology has not only changed our life but also our physical appearance, character, style, etc. As science and technology has changed step wise, similarly human life has also changed steeply. It can be known by thinking that our primitive used to be toys cnlmpanzee / monkey so tnougnt Dy our ancestors, tnen we developed a little an changed into human being living in Jungle and using leaves ofplantas clothes. At last we became fully matured and emerged as a social being preferring to live in society ather than Jungles. That is one of the great change that science and technology has provided to us. StudyMode. com is the webs Science and technology has also changed our way of living. Theworkhich we leading learning tool. did our selfln past time is being done by machines now-a-days. The We inspire millions of students combination of science and technology has been done to make such robots every day with over 1 which can do home as well as official works.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Great Gatsby Essay Example for Free

The Great Gatsby Essay While reading the classic novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the reader can clearly see how this story can be viewed through the Marxist Lens. Through tales of trial and desperation, the story reveals what can happen when money and social class come into play. The author clearly portrays how the American dream can cause people to lose sight of the important things in life, and how people always want to make it to the top, no matter who they have to step on during the way up. Living in post-war America, the character’s visions are quickly clouded by greed and their egocentric desires, and tragedy strikes when lust and passion mix with sinful desires. Marxist literary criticism is the critical lens used to differentiate between social classes in literature. The Marxist lens pays close to attention to the literary works forms, styles and meanings, in a way that the reader can comprehend them and apply them to a particular history. In this specific situation, The Great Gatsby effectively displays the difference between social classes, and how these people act as individuals, and as a whole social group. On the very first page of the book, there is a quote from the narrator’s father that says: â€Å"Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had†. This quote pretty much sums up the whole Marxist theory. Though people may belong to various different social classes, every single person on this planet has had different experiences and opportunities, and everyone is different in their own way. One of the first characters the reader is introduced to is Tom Buchanan. Tom is a: â€Å"sturdy, straw-haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner. Two shining, arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face, and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward †¦ you could see a great pack of muscle shifting when his shoulder moved under his thin coat. It was a body capable of enormous leverage—a cruel body. † (Pg. 7) By the sounds of things, it seems like Nick (the narrator) doesn’t particularly like Tom, but Nick is also fascinated with him. Tom is a fascinating kind of guy. Like Daisy, hes got something hat everyone else wants: hes got power. Toms family is rich. Not just well-off like Nicks family, and not inexplicably rich like Gatsby, but noticeably wealthy, with a long family history of money. And he does extravagant, crazy things with it, like bringing a string of polo ponies for Lake Forest. That may not seem like much, but in today’s society, that would be like buying a private jet: its a pretty flashy move, and it’s only ever done to prove that they can do it. In a sense, Tom is just as flashy as Gatsby. Tom, on the other hand, has something you cant buy. You might call it arrogance: â€Å"an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions†. So essentially, thanks to the money and family that he came from, Tom was born to live a certain lifestyle, one where he would live a certain way and marry a certain type of woman Tom’s wife, Daisy, is a beautiful young woman from Louisville, Kentucky. She is Nick’s cousin and Gatsby’s â€Å"long lost† love. As a young lady in Louisville, Daisy was extremely well known among the military officers and soldiers stationed near her home, including Jay Gatsby. Gatsby lied about his background to Daisy, claiming to be from a wealthy family in order to convince her that he was worthy of her. Eventually, Gatsby won Daisy’s heart, and they made love before Gatsby left to fight in the war. Daisy promised to wait for Gatsby, but in 1919 she chose to marry Tom Buchanan, a young man from a solid, aristocratic family who could promise her a wealthy lifestyle. After this happened, Gatsby was determined to win Daisy back. He made her the priority over everything in his life, and she was his main motivation behind the earning of his spectacular wealth through criminal activity. To Gatsby, Daisy is perfection; she has charm, wealth, she’s sophisticated and graceful. In reality, Daisy falls short of Gatsby’s standards. She is beautiful and charming, but also shallow and bored. Nick profiles her as a careless person who messes things up and then hides behind her money. Daisy proves her real ways when she chooses Tom over Gatsby in Chapter 7, then allows Gatsby to take the blame for killing Myrtle Wilson even though she herself was driving the car. Finally, rather than attend Gatsby’s funeral, Daisy and Tom move away, leaving no forwarding address. Daisy is in love with money, and lives a very materialistic lifestyle. She is capable of affection, but not of sustained loyalty or care. All-in-all, Daisy represents the differing values of the aristocratic East Egg. The infamous and â€Å"great† Jay Gatsby is the main character of The Great Gatsby. He is a young man, about thirty years old, who came from a poor childhood in rural North Dakota, and eventually overcame his setbacks to become incredibly wealthy. However, he achieved this impressive feat by participating in organized crime, including distributing illegal alcohol and trading in stolen securities. Even before his adult years, Gatsby despised poverty and dreamt of wealth and living the upper-class lifestyle. He dropped out of St. Olaf’s College after only two weeks because he couldn’t stand the janitorial job he was doing in order to pay for his tuition. Though Gatsby has always wanted to be rich, his main motivation in acquiring his fortune was his love for Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby dedicated himself to winning Daisy back after she married Tom, and his way of doing this was making millions of dollars, purchasing a huge mansion on West Egg, and throwing dazzling parties every week. Fitzgerald withholds most of this information until later on in the novel. The author does this to reinforce the theatrical quality of Gatsby’s life, which is an important part of his personality. Gatsby has literally created his own character, even changing his name from James Gatz to Jay Gatsby to represent his reinvention of himself. As the reader gets further in the novel, Fitzgerald reveals Gatsby’s self-image. Gatsby proves himself to be an innocent, hopeful young man who makes everything dependent on his dreams, not knowing that his dreams are far-fetched and unrealistic. Myrtle Wilson is the character who ties the whole story together in The Great Gatsby. Every character in the novel is connected to her in a significant way. She is secretly with Tom who is with Daisy who is Myrtle’s â€Å"partner in crime† and is also secretly with Gatsby. But out of all these characters, Myrtle is the most important. She is the insecure one, the emotional one and the fake one. Myrtle is always looking for affection. Her insecurity is clear through the decisions that she makes. Her husband, George Wilson, isnt very useful for anything so she turns to Tom for attention. Although Tom is married, he is wealthy and enjoys the company of other women. Myrtle takes advantage of this and keeps Tom under her control. When she leaves the New York train station, she sees an old man selling dogs and she immediately asks him for a police dog. The man tells her that he only has an Airedale and that the coat is water-proof, but she still wants to purchase it. She disregards her reasons for wanting the police dog and only something to cuddle with. Her quick decision-making and easily altered reasoning reflects her insecurity and how she lives her daily life. On another day, Myrtle mistakes Jordan Baker for Toms wife. The more she sees Mrs. Baker the more jealous she becomes. Jordan makes Myrtle realize that there are many women who are prettier than her. As a result, Myrtle believes there is someone else other than Daisy that she has to compete with in order to continue controlling Tom. Myrtle doesn’t use logic to make decisions, due to her opinion being so easily changed on every matter. When she marries Wilson, she knows that she is better than him, but she marries him anyway. Marrying Wilson is a mistake since he is unable to provide for her expensive needs/desires that only Tom can afford. She always regrets marrying Wilson so she runs off with Tom whenever she can. Although marrying Wilson is a serious mistake, she isnt able to learn from this. One night when she is on her way to her sisters, she meets a handsome stranger and falls in love with him at first sight. The stranger is Tom and she only loves him because of his wealth and how far up he is on society’s ladder. Myrtles behavior reflects her decision making abilities and how she is vulnerable to manipulation. Although Tom is brutal and violent, his wealth keeps her content. George really gets the short end of the stick in this novel. Considering hes one of the few characters with redeemable values, he doesnt even deserve it. From what the reader can tell, Wilson is hard-working and not cheating on his spouse. Hes in a marriage with a woman who doesnt love or respect him, who walks all over him like a staircase; and all the while he just does what she says: Oh, sure, agreed Wilson hurriedly (Pg. 26) After Myrtles death, Wilson is in serious emotional pain. He cries out Oh, my God over and over for one of three reasons: because his wife is dead, because he just found out that she was having an affair, or because he feels guilty for making her run out into the street. The other thing that the reader should note about Wilson is that hes the only character who talks about God. He tells Myrtle that she cant fool God, that God sees everything (Pg. 160). By him saying this, the reader is reminded that unlike the rich careless classes, the lower classes cant just run away and hide in their money: they need more to believe in. Wilson and the social class that he is a part of actually have to take responsibility for their actions, and can’t rely on money to get them out of every situation. In conclusion, it is evident to the reader that living in America after the war, times are rough, and the character’s visions are quickly clouded by greed and their egocentric desires, and tragedy strikes when lust and passion collide with sinful desires. Whether they’re killed or affected by the death of a loved one, everyone in this novel is affected by someone else’s selfish actions; by what happens when someone acts with disregard to everyone else’s feelings.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Language And The Gender

The Language And The Gender This study deals with the relationship between gender and language in this study we try to answer the flowing question: to what extend the differences in using prestige between male and female in Arabic language in terms of greetings, happiness, and sadness occasions? Due to this question the aim of the study is to find the reasons of differences between the two genders in Arabic language. this study find that the differences connected with female who try to add new words to their language which they connected these new words to the civilization and modern life and they try to use it out of their traditional way , in order to attract the attentions from others The samples of this study are males and females Arabic speakers. They are 10 persons, 5 males and 5 females native speakers of Arabic language. The questionnaire instrument is used in this study in order to take valued information. The questionnaire encompasses the terms of greetings, happiness and sadness occasions. It also in cludes other information such as gender, and age. Key words: male, female, prestige, sociolinguistic. 1.0 Introduction Language and gender research began in early 20th century. Language gender research concerned with male and female differences in their way of speaking. The study of language and gender related to sociolinguistics, this field mainly interests to study language in social context , in social context we can recognize that the speakers within same language used different ways of speech these ways different in term of gender, age, ethnic and social class; this is what we may call it social variation. The concept of prestige in sociolinguistics is related to standard language so according prestigious, dialect is likely to be considered the standard language. Many researcher deals with sociolinguistics studies and concern in language and gender Coates (1993) he recognized that female in speech community try to use a high degree of prestige than male. (Lakoff, 1975), the men use words like (damn, more than women (oh dear, goodness). Malkawi (2011) found that the females in order to attract t he attention they avoid using old words. Scherer (1979), states that the women consciously employ the use of more socially prestigious speech than men, while men tend to use more forceful speech than women. Women tend to use prestige in her language more than men do. Women use standard prestige norms while men used vernacular prestige norms. In general non standard language is low-prestige while standard connected to high- prestige but it is undesirable in many contexts. This study focused on sociolinguistic work through concentrate on the vernacular Arabic language when highlighted to find the differences between males and females in terms of greetings, happiness, and sadness occasions. This study dealt with linguistic variation in term of gender to find out the kind of prestige used by Arabic males and females in terms of greetings, happiness and sadness occasions. In this study we try to find out the answer to research question: Are there any differences in the talk of Arabic males and females in terms of greetings, happiness, and sadness occasions? In order to answer this question, the questionnaire instrument is used in this study in order to get valued information. The questionnaire encompasses the terms of greetings, happiness and sadness occasions. It also includes other information such as gender, age and etc. The samples of this study are males and females Arabic speakers. They are 10 persons, 5 males and 5 females native speakers of Arabic language. Above all we can attributed the differences between male and female may belong to the desire of women to use Words which are related to prestige in order to attract attention and most women Believes that the use of prestigious words in speech are more civilized than use The ordinary one. In sociolinguistic the concept of prestige refers to positive or negative values choose by the speaker in other word the speakers choose consciously or subconsciously when they make the speech act. Sociolinguistic Sociolinguistics is of the most important branches of modern linguistics .it deals with the study of language affected by social relations. Sociolinguistics includes pidgin, bilingualism and Creole languages .It refers to language variation, and language variation focuses on language different in contexts, where context refers to social class, age, gender, ethnicity, geography. In 1960 many researches in sociolinguistic focuses on the relationship between language and social structure and the relationship between language and gander. Sociolinguistics interests on language in the social context and language in the social context focuses on the linguistics norms and variations. Speakers who differ from each other in age, social class, and ethnic group will differ from each other in their speech and this is called social variation. Sociolinguistics is applied toward the different social situations and analysis the way that female and male speak to each other so , sociolinguistic we can say is a science that provide us with a brief description about the realities of human speech and how we can through a specific dialect describes the relation between language and age, sex and social function of a language . Studies in the field of sociolinguistics generally assesses the reality by taking a sample of people and interview them, typically it studies the variation of language and based on dialect in specific society. Sociolinguistic concern with grammatical and phonological features so, Variation in language connected with gender, male and female tend to use different styles female tend to use a particular style in her speaking more than male do. Gender with language The area of study gender and language connected with sociolinguistics. It investigates the speech varieties associated with gender and sometimes this kind of studies is called a genderlect. Dr. Adelaide Haas of the State University of New York in 1979 she observed general differences between male and female linguistic style. She made several observations and according to the results she found women tend to use standard English and non directive language while men used non- standard and directive language .women prefer to talk about her family and home while most men prefer talked about business, money and sports it is also found gender language from generation to generation that is means the age will also different in using language from one age to another. the differences between gender because the girls and boys socialized differently so according to this fact language different between gender, women always in her conversation try to make suggestion while men prefer to give commands, typically it is found that women used more emotion in her way of speaking than men do , also women focus on her feelings in her life while men focus on power in his life. Lakoff (1975) states that women try her possible to talk as a respected lady, comparing to men, women tend to use more hedges, intensifiers , a lot of polite forms and questions intonations. 1.3 Prestige Dialects are mainly related to the concept of prestige within a society. Usually, the standard dialect is associated with prestige in the society but thats not mean all prestigious people must speak the standard but there are factors to prestige with non standard dialects and by group may develop a prestige factors. The prestige concepts: Overt Prestige: refers to speakers of non-standard varieties who adopt the standard variety. The speakers are associate themselves with the general prestigious dialect within a society. Covert Prestige: This refers to speakers who not adopt a standard dialect. The speakers in convert prestige are associated with what they gained from group in social identification. So, overt prestige is assimilate standard, while convert prestige refers to assimilate non standard. The concept of prestige in sociolinguistics is related to standard language so according prestigious, dialect is likely to be considered the standard language but in other hand non standard may also refers to prestige factors and the creative of prestige factors by non standard group. In general prestige means a specific prestige dialect used by people in their way of speaking, it represent the language community , prestige dialects are associated with greater social, political, and economic power, sometimes people who speak prestige dialect are generally considered well-educated. but is that mean who does not speak a prestige dialect is uneducated according to preceding studies they found the people who didnt speak prestige dialect is may face difficulties in their academic community or social difficulties which effected directly in their way of speaking in other hand factors to prestige with non standard dialects may developed by group as prestige. We can say a prestige differ from state to state for example modern standard Arabic which is considerd high prestige it is used of social and political Arabic media in order to accessible a large number of Arabic people but it is not used as a conversation in their daily life and if someone speak a standard Arabic in streets people will laugh about it so according to Arabic language standard is not prestigious unlike English or French language which they considerd the standard as prestigious so prestige dialects differ from language to language . 2.0 Data for study: The aim of this study is to find the differences between Arabic males and females in terms of greetings, happiness and sadness occasions. The samples of this study are males and females Arabic speakers. They are 10 persons, 5 males and 5 females native speakers of Arabic language. 4.0 Research in the field: Ferguson (1959), states that sociolinguistics of Arabic language began as an academic unit and it has two discriminative varieties. These varieties are the high and the low ones. As for the high variety, it is related to the classical Arabic which is used in formal occasions and religious functions. The low variety is used in everyday communications between for instance, friends, and home. Sociological studies have shown that women are more likely to use linguistic forms thought to be better or more correct than those used by men. Trudgell (1983) provides an important reason for this. According to him, women are more conscious than men, therefore, they are more sensitive to linguistic norms. Lakoff (1975) states that due of the low states of women and the pressure upon them to talk as a respected lady, comparing to men, women tend to use more hedges, intensifiers , a lot of polite forms and questions intonations . Prestige is in two types. Overt type is seeking a prestige by assimilating to the standard language. Covert type is choosing not to talk in the standard, Manue and Campoy (2009). According, Coupland (1997) mentions that women prefer to use an overt standard prestige. However, men favor to use covert vernacular prestige. Coates (1993) states that female speakers tend to use a higher rate of prestige than male speakers in different speech communities. In other words, the prestige norms seem to have a great influence on women than on men. In addition, Sociolinguistics literature reveals that women employ and adopt the speech of rich people more than men do where the difference between rich and poor people speech is in standard language and dialect one, Angle and Biber (1981). According to Lackoff (1973), in the case of gender, women are expected not to use strong insults and expletives such as damn the same as men do, while they are encouraged to use weaker ones like oh dear. Therefore, women have to change or substitute the strong insults with weaker ones. Scherer (1979), states that the women consciously employ the use of more socially prestigious speech than men, while men tend to use more forceful speech than women. Abu-Haidar (1989) investigated the occurrence of prestige in the spoken Arabic language in Baghdad, Iraq. Her study reveals that prestige is attributed to the standard Arabic language rather than the vernacular one. She adds that women tend to favor this variety. On the other hand, in the case of the Iraqi society as claimed by Jaber and Krishnasamy (2012), female prestige is associated with the meaning of the words not with the standard language. Rather, men tend to use the standard features more women. In a study was made on the Jordanian society, Malkawi (2011) found that the females respondents in her study avoid using old words when they want to attract the attention Females and males tend to use more prestigious words rather than the ancient ones. As noticed by Bassiouney (2010), educated men and women in Egypt tend to talk in standard language because they think that it is more civilized than the dialect one. On the other hand, the uneducated women use the urban variety rather than the rural one for it is more prestigious as they think. Arafa and Al-Ali (2010) proposed that females in Jordan adopt the urban non local varieties which are considered as civilized varieties, while males tend to use the local ones. As they state, the adoption of the varieties by both males and females are not arbitrary. Rather, it is limited to gender motivations and social expectations Gordon in (1997) clarifies the reasons behind using a more prestigious language by women in the New Zealand society. He says that the usage of this prestigious language by women in New Zealand is a stereotype. According to his, it is a stereotype for it explains the avoidance of middle class females against the lower class females. Publications: Who Practitioners in the field / lineage of the thought (others working in the area) What are the landmark studies? What are the theoretical and empirical contributions of the research area? 6.0 Implications of the study: We can summarize the implication of this study: 6.1 Purpose of the study The purpose of this study is to find the differences between Arabic males and females in using prestige in terms of greetings, happiness and sadness occasions. 6.2 Main Objective: The study of sociolinguistics concentrates on language in the social context. Studying language in the social context focuses on the linguistics norms and variations. Speakers who differ from each other in age, social class, and ethnic group will differ from each other in their speech and this is called social variation. As for this study, it will focus on the linguistic norms and variations related to the gender of the speaker. More specifically, this study aims at studying the differences in speech between Arabic males and females in relation to their gender. 6.3 Findings: Male Female Results Greeti ngs happiness sadness occasions 6.4 Limitation of the study This study limited on small group who consist from Arabic male and female in order to discover the differences between Arabic males and females in using prestige in terms of greetings, happiness and sadness occasions. 6.5 Conclusion This study tries to investigate the differences between Arabic males and females in terms of greetings, happiness and sadness occasions. According to the data analysis in this paper found that the female try to use a high level of prestige she try to use modern words and tries as possible to exclude the old words in order to attract attention while mail try to use medium level of prestige but also it is found that male tend to use modern prestige words than the old words.

The Journey Illustrated in Four Works: The Love Song of J. Alfred Pruf

The word â€Å"journey† describes a profusion of events. These events can occur physically; physical journey or emotionally and intellectually; inner journey. It is important to define the Journey achieved, while analysing any specific text. The set text in this essay â€Å"The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock† by TS Elliot and â€Å"Of Eurydice† by Ivan Lalic can be used to create a comparison in order demonstrate the uniqueness and significance of each journey. â€Å"Sky High† written by Hannah Robert and contemporary novel â€Å"48 shades of brown† can be compared with the set text to help identify the Journey enclosed in the text. These Journeys all relate to an explicit idea, all journeys are unique and have extreme significance in the life of the traveller. After completing these Journeys, the outcome is likely positive however can turn out negative. The poem Of Eurydice by Ivan Lalic based on a greek myth puts forward that journeys can allow one learn and gain knowledge, therefore this supports journeys usually have positive outcomes. â€Å"Eurydice† emphasises an inner journey prompted by physical journey set in â€Å"thick darkness devoid of time†; Hades. The journey is of Opheseus who, to regain his wife who passed away from a snakebite, travels to Hades. The use of strong adjectives for example â€Å"strata of dead birds† creates an accumulative effect of imagery that helps follow the dark and intimidating physical journey of Orpheseus into the underworld. The first stanza reflects failure â€Å"I return alone†, creates an anticlimactic start to the poem. This also implies Orpheseus was unsuccessful in bringing back his wife, however it creates sense of mystery for the reader. â€Å"I was alone, you see† reinforces heroism that is technically impossible, as he has... ...t directly with the situations faced by Dan and gives a better insight into Dan’s introspecting. The use of register in the novel is colloquial the author uses this technique to help engage the reader with the protagonist, as well as position the readers to have an humorous and unserious approach to towards the issues faced by Dan. Motif â€Å"postcards† have been used throughout the novel, the postcards emphasis the relationship of Dan with his parents that live in Geneva whilst Dan lives in Australia. The â€Å"postcard† shows the barrier and alienation that Dan comes across in Australia as being a typical teenager. The novel 48 shades of Brown presents a teenage inner journey that is inescapable. Overall, journeys can be inevitable though they can have negative outcomes. Journeys can also have major significance on an individual’s life, perspectives and psychology.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Cleopatra Essay examples -- essays research papers

Cleopatra Vll was born in 69 BC, in Alexandria, Egypt. Despite what people say today, that she was glamorous and beautiful, she was far from it. She is shown on ancient coins with a long hooked nose and masculine features. Although she was not beautiful she was clearly a very seductive woman, and she used this to further Egypt politically. She had a beautiful musical voice. It is also said that she was highly intelligent. She spoke nine different languages, and she was the first Ptolemy pharaoh who could actually spoke Egyptian.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  She ascended the Egyptian throne after her father, Ptolemy Xll Auletes died in 51 BC. Cleopatra which was seventeen at the time and her brother Ptolemy Xlll, which was twelve, were married because of the terms of her fathers will. They then ruled Egypt together. In the third year of their reign Ptolemy’s advisers told him that he should rule Egypt by himself. So, because of this he drove Cleopatra into exile. Cleopatra then escaped to Syria. She then returned with an army. Ptolemy sent an army to meet with her. At this point, Julius Caesar of Rome arrived in pursuit of an enemy, who was seeking help from Ptolemy. Cleopatra had to roll herself up in a rug so that she wouldn’t get killed while entering Egypt. If she hadn’t hidden herself she would have been killed. When she unrolled herself in front of Caesar he fell in love with her right away.Caesar had to choose which of the Egyptian rulers to help keep the throne. Of course he chose Cleopatr a. He then became Cleopatra’s lover. In 47 BC Ptolemy Xlll drowned in the Nile while trying to escape, and Caesar then restored Cleopatra to her throne.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After her older brother Ptolemy Xlll was died, Cleopatra was then forced by custom to marry her youngest brother Ptolemy XlV, which was about eleven at the time. After Cleopatra and Ptolemy XlV were settled on their joint government basis, she and Caesar went on a two-month cruise on the Nile. It is said that it was then she became pregnant, and she later gave birth to a son. His name was officially Ptolemy XV Caesar, but he was popularly called Caesarion, which means â€Å"Little Caesar†. People say that Caesar was not really the father of Caesarion. Although the child strongly resembled Caesar, and so Caesar acknowledged him as his son. After the cruise Caesar then went back to Rome ... ... Cleopatra to arrange Antony's funeral. After the funeral she took to her bed, sick with grief. She wanted to kill herself, but Octavian kept her under close guard. One day he visited her and she flung herself at his feet, nearly naked, and told him she wanted to live. With Octavian's permission she visited Antony's tomb. Then she returned to her mausoleum, took a bath, and ordered a feast. While the meal was being prepared a man arrived at her monument with a basket of figs. The guards checked the basket and found nothing suspicious, so they allowed the man to give the basket of figs to Cleopatra. After she had eaten, Cleopatra wrote a letter, sealed it, and sent it to Octavian. He opened it and found Cleopatra's plea that he would allow her to be buried in Antony's tomb. Alarmed, Octavian sent messengers to alert her guards that Cleopatra planned to commit suicide. But it was too late. They found the 39-year old queen dead on her golden bed, with her maid Iras dying at her feet. Two pricks were found on Cleopatra's arm, and it was believed that she had allowed herself to be bitten by an asp that was smuggled in with the figs. As she had wished, she was buried beside Antony.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Dangers Behavior Exposed in Death of a Salesman Essay -- Death Salesma

Dangers Behavior Exposed in Death of a Salesman      Ã‚   Everyone has personal problems that they must face. In the play, Death of a Salesman, the author, Arthur Miller, explores the ways in which some people deal with these problems. Miller reveals Willy Lowman’s tendency to ignore problems as long as possible.   Willy never really does anything to help his situation; he just uses flashbacks to escape into the past.  Ã‚   Through his flashbacks he returns to happier times when problems were scarce. He uses this escape mechanism as if it were a harmless drug that allowed him to cope with living. As the play progresses, the reader learns that even a harmless drug can be dangerous because of the potential for addiction. The first time Willy is seen lapsing off into the past is when he encounters Biff after arriving home. The conversation between Willy and Linda reflects Willy's disappointment in Biff and what he has become - a bum. After failing to deal adequately with his feelings, he escapes back into a time when things were better for his family. It is not uncommon for someone experiencing a low point in life to reminisce about better times.   This enables him to rouse himself so that he can deal with the problems he encounters in the present. Willy Lowman takes it one step further. His refusal to accept reality is so strong that, in his mind, he is transported back in time to relive the happier days of his life. It was a time when Willy and Linda were younger, no one argued, the financial situation was less of a burden, and Biff and Happy enthusiastically welcomed their father back home from long road trips. After a flashback, Willy's need for the "drug" is satiated and he is reassured that ev erything will turn out okay, and th... ...and disillusioned sons. Works Cited Field, B.S.   â€Å"Death of a Salesman† Twentieth Century Literature.   January, 1972. 19-24.   Rpt. in World Literary Criticism.   Ed. Frank Magill.    â€Å"Arthur Miller† Detroit: Gale Research, 1992.   2366-2368. Hoeveler, D. J.   â€Å"Ben’s Influence.†Ã‚   Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman: Modern Critical Interpretations.   Ed. Harold Blum.   Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1988. 72-81. Magill, Frank.   â€Å"Death of a Salesman.†Ã‚   Master Plots.   Englewood Cliffs: Salem, 1976.   1365-1368. Miller, Arthur.   Death of a Salesman.   New York: Penguin, 1969. ---.   Conversations With Arthur Miller.   Jackson: Mississippi UP, 1987. Parker, Brian.   â€Å"Point of View in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman.†Ã‚   Arthur Miller: A Collection of Critical Essays.   Ed. Robert Corrigan.   Englewood Cliffs:   Prentice Hall, 1969.   98-107.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Person centred approaches in adult social care Essay

Person- centred approaches are an essential part involving good working practice when working with clients/ service users. Ensuring that everything to do with individual care is built around them. Also allowing them to be independent as possible and makings their own decision on how they would like to be supported. 1.2 Explain why person-centred values must influence all aspect of social care work. Person-centred values must influence all aspect of social care work because the law requires us to do so. The Human Right Act 1998, Health and Social care Act 2012 and Codes of practice for social care workers etc. By following the process of person-centred values will allow the individuals being care for feel as if. They are treated with respect has an individual see more:describe how active participation benefits an individual They are supported in accessing their rights They are supported to exercise choices Ensure they have privacy if they want it They are support to be as independent as possible They are treated with dignity and respect 1.3 Explain how person centred values should influence all aspects of social care work Person centred values should influence all aspects of social care work, by respecting individuals at the centre of their own care. We as care workers must focus on what the person’s needs and they want their support to be provided. Outcome 2 Understanding how to implement a person-centred approach in an adult social care setting 2.1 Explain how finding out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual contributes to their care plan. Finding out these information can contribute to their care plan by giving carers valuable information on how to care for the individual in better-suited way, that’s more likely to make them feel comfortable and respected as a person. For example knowing how their preference will give working the knowledge on what likes and dislikes, so will response better to their care. 2.2 Describe ways to put person centred values into practice in a complex or sensitive situation. You can put person centred values into practice in a complex or sensitive situation. For example in a situation  where a service user decides he/she wants to take part b in a certain sport but their parent is against the idea. Your main focus are to: Put the priority of the service user first Make sure the service user has the support they need in order to make choices Make arrangements for extra support if necessary Treat service user with respect and dignity Services revolve around the person, not the other way round Even in complex or difficult situations, always keep the service user at the centre. 2.3 Evaluate the use of care plans in applying person-centred values. The most important part of a care plan is the outcomes that the individual want to achieve, the care plan helps the individual work towards those outcomes. The individual should be at centre. 2.4 Explain the importance of monitoring an individual’s changing needs or preferences. It is important to monitor an individual’s changing needs and preferences because this indentifies the most important goals and services and what is needed to achieve them. This helps to makes sure we are keeping up with the service users needed and changes, for example: Personal care Medication Activities Mobility Outcome 3 Understand the importance of establishing consent when providing care or support 3.1 Describe factors that influence the capacity of an individual to express consent. It is important for a support worker to be mindful and be considerate of the situation, because the capability to make decisions among individuals are different. It may looks quite simple to think that people with mental impairment, physical illness or people how have got language barriers, may have affect their capabilities to express agreement. A professional carer will understand how to work sensitively with service user, individually and put in place goals to achieve towards successful outcomes. The mental capacity act clearly states that every adult has the right to make their own decisions. It must be assumed that they have the capacity to do so, unless it has been proven otherwise. It also states people should be support in making their own decisions. 3.2 Explain how to  establish consent for an activity or action. As an overall principle consent should be gained for all activity, even if it is something small as plumping some ones pillows, you should always gain consent. It is vital that people not only give their consent but also fully understand what they are giving consent to and the implications of this. Consent can be implied, verbal, informed or written. Gaining consent protects both the carer and the person against legal challenge. It is now common to challenge the opinions of doctors, nurses and other health workers. People have become more comfortable with the idea of being asked for their views and consent. If no consent is given you cannot proceed with the care. It is illegal to put pressure on the person and go against their wished. 3.3 Explain what steps to take if consent cannot be readily established. It is worthwhile to repeat information again to be certain that any questions or concerns have been answered. If a service user refuses or any issues been expressed, you should record and report to your manager straight away. Outcome 4 Understand how to implement and promote active participation 4.1 Explain the principles of active participation. Active participation is about assist individuals to have a complete and active part in every aspects of their life. This will involves making decisions about personal issues on clothing, food and living arrangements, also on the delivery of their care. 4.2 Explain how the holistic needs of an individual can be addressed by active participation. Holistic needs of an individual can be addressed by active participation. This can be achieved by looking at the individual as hole when supporting their needs and preferences. When you look at the individual as a hole, it will give you a platform in helping the individual in achieving their goals. 4.3 Explain how to work with an individual and others to agree how active participation will be implemented. The way to work with an individual and others to agree how active participation will be implemented are by: Having discussions with individual. Encouraging the individual using useful information. Using friends and family to encourage them. Highlighting the benefits of the activity. Recognising their achievements and celebrating it no matter how small it is. 4.4 Explain how to promote the understanding and use of active participation. The way to promote the understanding and used of active participation are, to support your colleagues are on the same path when supporting the individual, the individual may having been used their care and support delivered where they had no control and little choice, so as a carer we will have to be sensitive and patients when introducing active participation. Also family members may be against the active participation approach, as they may feel the individual is vulnerable and may not make the right choices. Its most like the family members are just trying not to protect the individual from risks, therefore don’t just jump assumptions that are being difficult but instead work the family and the individual to help get used to the new approach and the benefits it will eventually bring. Outcome 5 Understand how to support an individual’s right to make choices 5.1 Describe different approaches to support an individual to make informed choices. The different approaches to support an individual to make informed choices include: Discussion- to support an individual to question or questions decisions effecting them that are made by others. Providing relevant information guidance from friends or family using an advocate or support service. 5.2 Describe how to support an individual to question or challenge decisions concerning them that are made by others. This depends on the mental capacity of the individual you are supporting. It is important that you must gain their permission and then you should encourage them to specify exactly as much help they need from you. Then you can offer further information, suggestions, and a plan to challenge such decisions. You could suggest to be their spokesperson if they weren’t confident enough talk, or to accompany them to any hearing or appointment. However, if the person is mentally impaired, you would have to get their signed permission to speak and act on their behalf before any health or social care workers would listen to you. As an issues of confidentiality, you either have to be next of kin, or obtain powers of attorney or guardianship. 5.3 Explain the consequences of allowing the personal views of others to influence an individual’s choices. The consequences that could occur when the personal views of others are involved in influencing an individual’s choices. The possible consequences are: The individual might not get their preferred care, depressed and sidelined, it might affect their confidence and self-esteem, they might withdraw from making future choices etc. Outcome 6 Understand how to promote individual’s well-being 6.1 Explain the link between identity, self-image and self-esteem. Self-image is about how people see themselves and self-esteem is how people value themselves. If a person see or value themselves, lower or highly this will make up their identity. 6.2 Explain factors that contribute to the well-being of an individual. Well-being is defined as the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. Therefore the factors that contributes to the well-being of an individual are, being treated as an individual getting the dignity and respect like any other human being, being able to make choices, good communication, Active Participation and being able to lead a healthy life. 6.3 Explain the importance of supporting an individual in a way that promotes their sense of identity, self-image and self-esteem. The importance of supporting an individual in a way that promotes their sense of identity, self-image and self-esteem, are that if help the individual feel like a value part of society and their views and choices matters. The ways to go about this are, find out about them by reading care plans and asking them or family about them, do not judge them, listen them and their issues. Encourage them to try new things out of their comfort zone, always focus on the positives, praising their efforts and achievements. Also being patient and consistent with them by doing so their self-image and self-esteem should grow. 6.4 Describe ways to contributes to an environment that promotes well-being. Outcome 7 Understand the role of risk assessment in enabling a person centred approach 7.1 Compare different uses of risk assessment in adult social care settings. The different uses of risk assessment in adult social care settings to an individual or other from physical or emotional have. A risk assessment is careful measures that are taken to minimise the changes of risks. The risk could happen in different ranges working tasks or activities that are undertaken. The tasks or activities could result in risks if injuries, harm, infections, emotional and physical abuse and  stress. It is legal requirement for a risk assessment to be carried out. Also a risk assessment should not be done as a reason to stop people from making choices. 7.2 Explain how risk assessment relates to rights and responsibilities. Risk assessment relates to rights and responsibilities in the following ways: It is legally required by law that we as carers acknowledges any possibly risk associated with the individual being care for and that the risks are assessed and to precautions are taken. Risk assessments are done to assess the number of risks related to things such as individual’s, hobbies/interests, personal hygiene, mobility, behaviour. This minimise the individual chances of harm or injuries. The risk assessments underline the risks and give the solutions as to how to handle and prevent the risks from occurring. 7.3 Explain how risk taking relates to rights and responsibilities. Risk taking relates to rights and responsibilities are that individuals have the right to take risk, just as we take risks every day. For example going on a plane knowing there is a possibility could crash. So if an individual wants to go out into the communities alone even though we might not think cable, they have rights to do so. This is where a risk assessment can make something that might have seem unlikely become possible. Which would result in an individual having a sense of control in their life. 7.4 Explain why risk assessments need to be regularly revised. The reasons risk assessments needs to be regularly revises, are that an individual condition has improved or declined. So a risk assessment would have to be reviewed to allow them to do something that they are now cable of or to ensure their safety. Also it could the risk has been change insults of new developments. 7.5 Explain the importance of using agreed risk assessment processes to support choice. It is our duty to promote the rights and support the choices of an individual. Risk assessments provide support for individual’s to handle choices in the safest way possible. Where the individual is able to make an informed choice and still wishes to carry out a high risk decision or choice, having a signed risk assessment is one way of showing that they are aware of the risks and are still willing to take them.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Book of Negroes Essay

As an old woman, Aminata Diallo is brought to London, England, in 1802, by abolitionists who are petitioning to end the slave trade. As she awaits an audience with King George, she recounts her remarkable life on paper, beginning with her life in Bayo, in western Africa, prior to being abducted from her family at age 11, seeing the death of her mother and father, and being marched in a coffle of captives to the coast along with others from her village. Chekura, a boy of similar age who assists the slave catchers, is at the last minute abducted himself and forced to join Aminata on the slave ship. Despite suffering humiliation, witnessing atrocities, enduring squalor and languishing in starvation, Aminata survives the passage to America because she is able to apply the knowledge and skills passed on to her by her parents, especially the ability to â€Å"catch† babies and to understand some African languages. In South Carolina, Aminata is auctioned off to an indigo plantation, along with a man from her village who has lost his senses during the ocean crossing. She learns the language of the â€Å"buckra† through the teachings of Georgia, an American-born slave, as well as from Mamed, the overseer of the plantation. Daily, Aminata must navigate the new dangers of disease and the eye of the plantation master while she searches for a way to return to her homeland. As she carries Chekura’s child, she is warned that Master Appleby could take it away at any time. Sure enough, at ten months, Aminata’s son, Mamadu, is sold by Appleby and Chekura also disappears. Stricken with grief, Aminata falls into a depression and refuses to work on the plantation. Appleby sells her to Solomon Lindo, the indigo inspector of the region, and she departs for a new life in Charles Town where Lindo promises to treat her as a â€Å"servant† rather than as a â€Å"slave† in that she works for wage and pays rent to Lindo. During rioting in New York City that coincides with the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, Aminata is presented with an opportunity to escape and does so, while Lindo is forced to flee back to the Carolinas. Aminata quickly makes new friends and connections and supports herself by catching babies and working at a tavern, all the while helping others by teaching them how to read and write. Following the surrender of the British, former slaves who have worked for one year or more behind the lines for the British are offered asylum in Nova Scotia. These people’s names are recorded in a ledger called The Book of Negroes, penned in part by Aminata because of her knowledge of many languages. Aminata and Chekura reunite and are given passage aboard the ship Joseph, but Appleby returns for one final act of vengeance against Aminata: he makes a claim to her, separating her from Chekura once more. While Chekura continues to Nova Scotia, Aminata must stand trial, and it is Solomon Lindo who ends up setting her free. Aminata lands in Shelburne, Nova Scotia, on the last Loyalist ship, and she has to use her talents as a baby catcher, reader and teacher once again to survive, for the sake of herself and her unborn child, as she prepares for the journey to reunite with Chekura in Annapolis Royal. However, her inquiries come up empty. May, their three-year-old child, is abducted by the Witherspoons, a white couple who had befriended Aminata, and Aminata returns to a life without hope. When the opportunity arises for Aminata to cross the ocean again to begin a colony in Sierra Leone, Africa, she is shocked to learn of Chekura’s death and decides to make the journey to her homeland. The struggle to maintain the colony of Freetown under the control of the Sierra Leone Company is complicated by its proximity to Bance Island and the slave trade. Relations with the local Temne are strained, and tempers flare when slave coffles are marched directly in front of Freetown. Longing to see her beloved Bayo village, Aminata agrees to travel back to Bance Island to secure passage into the interior. However, one month into her journey inland, she learns of the betrayal that she is to be sold back into slavery; she flees for days until she finds sanctuary in a village. Realizing that she will never return to her true home, she leaves for London to join the abolitionists to end slavery. She writes an account of her life that is shared in Parliament, and she meets with King George III and Queen Charlotte Sophia. Because of the attention from the newspapers, Aminata’s long-lost daughter, May, finds her after an eighteen-year separation and takes care of her in her old age as the struggle to end slavery continues in Parliament.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Eye Injury Risk from Water Stream Impact Essay

Ocular injuries caused by solid projectiles have been described in the literature (Duma, 2005; Kennedy, 2006; Kennedy, 2007). However, the impact of a high-velocity water stream on the globe has not been previously quantified. Such pressurized water jets can be found in children’s water toys, squirt guns, and interactive water fountains. As the velocity of these water streams increases, product capabilities, and therefore popularity, likewise increase. In addition to those on the market, water gun enthusiasts custom build powerful guns in order to maximize flow rate, often in excess of 55 ft/s. Interactive water fountains (also called wet decks, splash pads, spray pads, or spray parks) are found in public areas and water parks throughout the country. The attractions feature synchronized jets of water, typically directed vertically from nozzles in the ground. While playing, it is possible for a child to look into the nozzle in anticipation of the next spurt of water which could in theory cause an eye injury. However, the increasing popularity of these fountains has not been matched by appropriate regulation. The CDC recommends that health departments update pool codes to include interactive water features that do not have standing water (Prevention, 2007) due to a series of outbreaks of gastroenteritis (Minshew, 2000). The lack of research and injury assessment has delayed the process, as most states have not established codes. Current available legislation is listed in Table 1. The primary focus of concern in current legislation is centered on the filtration system and prevention of spread of bacterial infection. This concern has taken attention away from the potential for mechanical injury due to a high-velocity water jet directed toward a child’s eyes, ear, or mouth. This study consisted of five parts: Part I includes previous research and case studies that have been reviewed to begin to understand the need for water eye injury research and the previous efforts made to investigate this injury mechanism. In Part II, a range of objects and devices were analyzed to determine water characteristics and the associated injuries. A summary table of the results was produced. In Part III, projectile impact tests were performed with three different projectiles and a range of velocities to measure normalized energy and internal pressure within the eye. For Part IV, water jet impacts were performed with three nozzle diameters and a range of water velocities to measure internal eye pressure to assess injury. In Part V, data from Part III were used to determine a correlation between normalized energy and internal eye pressure to then calculate normalized energy for the measured internal eye pressure during the water jet impacts (Part IV). Previously developed injury risk curves for corneal abrasion, hyphema, lens dislocation, retinal damage and globe rupture were applied to the calculated normalized energy to determine injury risk for the water jet impacts. Nozzle type, size, and maximum velocity are a critical part of an interactive water fountain’s performance, but until relationships between these factors and injury have been established, it is hard to place numerical guidelines on their design. This report aims to quantify the incidence and mechanics of water-induced eye injuries and benchmark the fluid mechanics of current water systems and toys. Documented cases of high-velocity water-induced eye injuries confirm the potential danger of these water blasts (Table 2). Many of the reported incidents occurred in the workplace and involve pressure washers, agricultural irrigation sprinklers, or fire hoses. While studies of water-induced eye injuries on humans have not been conducted, animal studies have linked high-velocity water jets to eye damage. Fish (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) exposed to submerged water jets at velocities ranging from 40 to 65 ft/s were examined for injury. Nearly half of all fish suffered eye injuries (bulged, hemorrhaged, or missing) at velocities of 55 ft/s and above (Deng, 2005). In a similar study, fish were released at velocities from 0 to 70 ft/s and the authors found velocity to be positively correlated to severity of injury (Nietzel, 2000). Minor severity was noted when there was a visible injury that had no threat to life and major severity was noted when the injury was a threat to life and persisted throughout time.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Macroeconomics, Airline Industry Essay

Economical can be one of the major factors for the airline industry. Due to the rate of war and terrorist event, the growth rate of economy dramatic slowdown, capacity demand, which gains the low yield to the airline industry. Moreover, oil prices increase also affect their profits. The social sector, which are strongly from employment perspective and safety. The technology in airline industry is fast moving, however it’s very costly. Alliance gives the opportunity to the major airline to offer customer global route coverage. Ecological factor consists of recycling, the level of pollution and attitudes to the environment. For the airline industry, pollution tends to be very important. Legislation fior the airline consist of employment laws, company law, tax law and their regulation. Redundancy, landing right, health and safety, which are all the airlines, should be considered as a legal factor. Airline industry recovered and it become more attractive for investor. Economical and political factor has always been and continues to be the two major external environmental drivers influencing the airline industry. Read more:Â  Essay on Airline Industry A low cost carrier (also known as a no-frills or discount carrier) is an airline that offers generally low fares in exchange for eliminating many traditional passenger services. The model represented by the (LCC) or low cost carrier is not an innovation, some of the LCC are linked to major and traditional airlines companies, but its evolution has quickly become the dominant management model and through the development of the Internet has experienced the most growth. Though many airlines offer fares at a reduced rate on one or more of their routes at particular times, the simple act of offering cheap fares does not necessarily make them a LCC. Low cost carrier with the specific aim of operating with a lower cost structure than traditional operators in order to create lower fares. Greater efficiency and cost savings have been achieved in a variety of ways, most notably through increased aircraft and crew utilization aided by the use of aircraft operated in a single class with more seats than would be possible with business class. LCC tend to operate a single type of aircraft, a strategy that produces economies of scope in aircraft maintenance and flexibility in the use of crew. Savings is achieved by selling tickets directly to customers (often through Internet and call centre ticket sales) and therefore by-passing travel agents distribution channels, re-engineered business processes and negotiation to gain reductions in airport charges. Tourists such as business passengers with a need for frequent scheduling, inter-flight flexibility with differentiation being offered through personal space and comfort on-board, in flight entertainment and free food and alcoholic drinks, frequent flier programmes, free airport lounges and use of major city airports (typically with higher landing charges). All these features raise seat costs.

The purpose of Building Standards Dissertation

The purpose of Building Standards - Dissertation Example In the UK, over one third of the carbon dioxide emissions come from buildings. The emission of carbon dioxide is very harmful to the environment and in order to protect the ozone layer we have to emphasise the importance of standards. Building Standards are fundamental to the health and safety of us all. In this regard the authorities are working hard to ensure that standards are achieved and continuously improved. Compliance and enforcement has become new issues as standards are being adapted to keep abreast with design, technology, materials and construction, as well as energy conservation issues. However, there has been increasing concerns with regards to the level of compliance, frequency, pace and increasing complexity of these changes. Construction standards have evolved overtime with frequent and more complex Building Regulations since the 1990’s. These changes relate to: Structure of buildings, Fire safety to both dwelling houses and other buildings, Site preparation a nd resistance to contaminants and moisture; Toxic substances; Resistance to the passage of sound; Ventilation; Hygiene; Drainage and waste disposal; Combustion appliances and fuel storage systems; Guidance and Supplementary Information on the UK Implementation of European Standards for Chimneys and Flues; Conservation of fuel and power to existing dwelling houses, other buildings, new dwelling houses and other new buildings; access to and use to buildings; Glazing – safety in relation to impact, opening and cleaning.